
Massachusetts Pirate Party: Joe Guertin Launches His Campaign!

We need Piracy on Beacon Hill, specifically, we need a Pirate to sponsor and promote bills on the hill that promote net neutrality, personal privacy, government transparency. Joe Guertin wants to be that representative.

Joe is young and energetic, but also civic minded and politically informed. And he needs your help. He’s not on the ballot yet, and we only have until April 29th to get all the signatures he needs. One Hundred and fifty signatures doesn’t sound like many, but to be sure to reach the goal, we’ll need something like 3 times that many people to jot down their John Hancocks, because so often a signature is invalidated for being illegible, attributed to the wrong address, given by a non-registered voter, etc.

Joe needs your help. You don’t have to live in the 8th Worcester district to volunteer. We need signature gatherers. If you believe in the Pirate Party and would like to see a Pirate on the ballot, if you believe in democracy and would like to see someone other than a heavily funded Democrat or Republican on the ballot, if you live within traveling distance of Bellingham, Uxbridge, Millville, or Blackstone, please consider volunteering for his campaign.

ABOUT JOE: He is a personal trainer by trade, a live-streamer because he loves it, and a trained game designer. He is 26 years old and lives at home in Bellingham, MA. He is taking on incumbent Kevin Kuros in the 8th Worcester District. I volunteered to chair his campaign because, like me, he is a media critic and is concerned about copyright vs. freedom of expression. The are two of the main issues that first brought me to the Massachusetts Pirate Party.

Volunteers should contact his campaign chair (Lucia Fiero) at

Let’s do this.

You can follow Joe’s campaign on Facebook
and on Twitter. Read the original blog post from MAPP here.

Best of luck to Joe and the Massachusetts Pirates!

If you reside in Massachusetts and are interested in running as a Pirate candidate, check out this post from the Massachusetts Pirate Party.

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